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#JusticeforQuanishaBall | Pedestrian Lives Matter

Morgan Clark

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

January 2024

(Atlanta Area) In the past year, TAAG has collaborated with Quanisha's mother, Courtney Thompkins, to assist the family in obtaining justice. As a result of the family's activism and the efforts of those who called and emailed, changes are being implemented at the intersection. However, it is important to acknowledge that these changes cannot bring Quanisha back. The family is still pursuing justice!



December 2023

Dekalb County has fulfilled some of our demands

Dekalb County has fulfilled some of our requests. Specifically, they have added two more lights and asked the state to complete a road safety assessment. We are greatly appreciative of Commissioner Michelle Long Spears and her team for pushing this forward. It is unfortunate that Quanisha lost her life in order for these necessary changes to be made. Despite these requests being met, TAAG will continue to support the family in their pursuit of justice. The assessment conducted by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) suggests implementing a new bulb-out (which reduces the distance pedestrians need to cross), constructing new ADA ramps, and installing a new crosswalk across US78/Scott Blvd. Additionally, the signal timing will be improved according to the proposed revisions.

The family also organized a vigil that was reported on by local news media (refer to the information below). TAAG also participated in the 1st annual World Day of Remembrance, which was hosted by the Atlanta Department of Transportation, along with the family. We are grateful to everyone who showed up.

Check out Atlanta's leading local news, 11Alive's report on Quanisha's recent vigil:

(see video below)

Check out local news source,'s coverage of Quanisha's vigil, featuring beautiful photos from the event:


November 2023


TAAG attended local commissioner meetings in Dekalb County with the family in June of 2023. In addition, we canvassed the area and spoke to residents regarding the red car etc. The family spoke with the police. Internal affairs are investigating and once that is completed the police will make their recommendation on if an arrest will be made. TAAG will keep everyone posted. The family is desperately searching for the red car (see below) to thank the woman for giving Quanisha CPR etc. Moreover, they are in need of an attorney who specializes in civil law within Georgia. If you can help, please email us at


On November 17, 2022, Quanisha Ball was killed at the corner of Scott Blvd. & Blackmon Drive in Decatur, GA. She was taking her usual walking route to work at Emory Winship Cancer Institute. While walking Quanisha was fatally hit by a man driving a Dodge Charger with a Florida license plate. Her family and Mother, Courtney Thompkins, need YOUR help to bring awareness to her death and help them get JUSTICE.

The police officer at the scene showed low empathy for Quanisha and her family. They made them pay for a police report. In addition, at the scene police didn't administer a drug test, talk to witnesses and no ticket was given to the driver. Since we first reported the story, the family has obtained a copy of body cam footage. It showed the driver and a witness. A female driver, of a red truck, who stopped and administered CPR on Quanisha. She also covered her body with a red Florida shirt. See below for pics of the red car. The family is looking for this woman to see if can help with the investigation. If you recognize the car, please call or text 412-440-8268 or email! The police claim that the investigation is still open but, they ruled it an "accident" on the day she was killed.

Additionally, the family also filed a complaint with the internal affairs department and is seeking a wrongful death lawsuit. They have contacted various media outlets and conducted two live awareness shows with us on social media (see below for the videos). Quanisha's Mother Courtney has also been contacted by other families who have lost their daughters the same way in Atlanta. For instance, the family of 33-year-old Brittany Glover, who was hit and killed in September of 2022 while walking across Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway in west Atlanta. Brittany's Mother also appeared on the live shows with Courtney. For more see Brittany's store below.

In 2020, motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) were the second leading cause of injury deaths and second leading cause of hospitalizations and ER visits in Georgia (Georgia Department of Public Health). A majority of these deaths have been young Black women. This needs to be addressed. Quanisha and Brittany were daughter's aunts, cousins, nieces, and friends. Their lives mattered and the families are seeking justice!!!

Brittany's family is asking for witnesses and more information. Read more about how to help below:


Laws need to be put in place to protect pedestrians, like Quanisha, whose lives are cut short due to drivers and their negligence. Help by calling the DeKalb County Police Station, Mayor, and the commissioner and reviewing our demands listed below.

DeKalb County Police Chief of Police, Mirtha V. Ramos (770) 724-7440

Michaela N. Vincent, Public Information Officer (770) 724-7477

Michelle Long Spears, DeKalb County Commissioner 404-371-2863



  • Internal affairs complete their investigation and have DeKalb County Police department

  • Update the family on whether they will charge the driver.

  • Provide the family with monthly or bi-monthly updates


  • Add stop and pedestrian crossing signs where the incident occurred in DeKalb County (Scott Blvd. & Blackmon Drive in Decatur).

  • Improve crosswalk accessibility & pedestrian crossing time here as well.

  • Conduct a road safety assessment.

  • Place a memorial at the site, and create pedestrian awareness safety day & month.


The family resides in Allegheny County/Greater Pittsburgh Area and needs assistance getting back & forth to Georgia as well as help with legal costs.

$Jayann7 (Mother Courtney Thompkins cash app)

Save lives! Add laws to protect pedestrians.

We can make a difference! Justice4Quanisha


If you recognize the car, please call/text 412-440-8268 or email



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